MAAD 1st Art and Design Night Festival on 12 August

Market of Artists and Designers (MAAD) has undergone a change in their format. No longer opening on the 1st weekend of the month, it is now once a month and happening at night. Mark the date - 12 August 2011 (Fri), 6pm to 12 midnight.

For updates, join them at facebook.

I think it is an achievement that MAAD has 'sustained' 5 long years in Singapore. Many markets come and go and it's diFFicult especially for one which promotes only original works by independent artists and designers. Yet despite been around for five years, I still hear people referring MAAD as a flea market.  Yo dork!... , can't these people distinguish the differences between a flea market and MAAD? To set the record straight, here's what I have taken from MAAD:


MAAD is the Market of Artists And Designers. It is a monthly Friday night celebration of local creativity at the red dot design museum. It is a platform to sell, gather feedback, test market or just to create awareness on your creative endeavours. We welcome:

1. Original works such as art, design and cra f t
2. Creative services like photography, design and even architecture
3. Performance such as local bands, launch of indie albums or sneak previews of your next theatre play
4. Exhibitions such as art installation, photography, any other creative projects.


Artists, designers, architects, craft makers, illustrators photographers, performer, song writers, musicians, singer or anyone with a creative passion can participate to show your work of love.


The next MAAD is on the 12th August 2011, Friday 5 p.m. to 12 midnight.


It is held at the red dot design museum, 28 maxwell road, red dot traffic building. it is just 3 minutes walk from Tanjong Pagar MRT station.

So with this rebranding, I hope you can pop by on 12 August to join us and support Made-In-Sg.


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