Starting Again

I was unable to sleep the last couple of days but finally the body was worn out and I slept properly last night without depending on medication.

My work studio is finally ready. 90% of my things are now in cupboard and shelves. Previously they were all over the living rooms and especially on the floor.

You probably think it is still a mess but hey, this is a working studio. I like the fact that my hat blocks are in one spot and not in boxes on the floor. The 1.8 metres table from my brother comes in useful as I can work on different hats. The area that I partitioned off is also near the window and so there's plenty of natural light. I cannot believe how I had been blocking and sewing my hats sitting on the sofa for the last 2 years! The only things left to do now are to bring the ironing board nearer and set up my portable steamer.

After a lot of practice, I must say that I am getting quite handy-dandy with the Russian Veiling.  See how it forms like a inverted bowl in this picture. This is essential as there must be enough space between the wearer's eyes, nose and the veil and it must get narrower at the bottom for aesthetic reason.   Some people simply gather the edges but that's very ugly because it looks like wearing a flare skirt on your head.

I made 3 roses from black silk but somehow they look a tad heavy. I want to show the black white polka dots mini hat and the roses seem to be a little too much.

While I was out yesterday, the Postie came with my parcel. So I had to go to the Post Office today to pick it up. In the past, with Speedpost (a more expensive shipping method), we can request redelivery. To cut cost, this service is scrapped and if no one is at home, the parcel goes straight to our local Post Office. I only buy small blocks because I hardly make big hat. My double brim block from UK has not been used yet. Here's another pointed hat block from USA. I was lucky (yes, again!) and got this 'cheap' at ebay and it's brand new.

I have recently acquired a new beret block from Boon and Lane. I am waiting for my gold parasisal straw from New York and then I will block the hat. This is a much larger beret than the one above but my daughter picked it without realising that this is a shape that is so 'Kate'. My fashionista-daughter has good taste.  

Got to get back to sewing hats....ciao.


  1. Hi Mandy, I see you finally bought a poupee. Can you tell me were you got this one from? Like you, I have been searching all over the place for it but I cannot find it.

  2. Hi Dibs
    I got it at ebay usa. Not many are offered on sale and i just search for it everytime I am online. It was 2 long years before I got one. Don't search for poupee because they are seldom listed as poupee. Try millinery head, canvas head...etc. Good luck

    1. Thanks Mandy. I will keep searching. In the meantime I bought a canvass head, which I suspect is what is used for wigs. not good enough I know, but I will keep looking.


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